"Sharing the Kingdom of God through friendship with the neighborhood"
Who We Are
We are a community of faith that finds its life caught up in the on-going activity of God. We are a people who believe that God is at work to make all things new. Through Jesus, in the power of the Spirit, we are at work joining God in the healing, restoring, reconciliation, of all things. For our community of faith, we have discerned that this is done by sharing the kingdom of God through friendship with the neighborhood. Our friendship has led us to offer a space for our neighbors to grow vegetables, providing sandwiches for a local school, and giving neighborhood kids a summer camp experience. And now we are always on the lookout for where God's Spirit might be showing up and sending us into unexpected and uncharted territory.
Our Beliefs
We believe that God became human through Jesus Christ. By becoming one of us Christ also humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death – death on a cross. By God’s power Jesus was raised on the third day.
Today the power of God continues to work in our world. Just as Jesus imaged God so we are called to image God in this world. Through the power of the Spirit we image God so that the world, through our lives, might catch glimpses of God's kingdom. Our desire is to be the presence of Christ in a broken and hurting world.
Our Practices
Our method of worship consist of singing praises/hymns to God (a capella), prayers lifted up to God,sharing of the Lord’s Supper, and the preaching of God’s word which seeks to incorporate our lives into God’s story. Within our worship, we also have a unique practice: Praying for the Neighborhood. Each week we spend time naming people in our lives (Starbucks barista, neighbor, teacher, stranger we encountered), tell a little bit of their lives, then offer up a prayer on their behalf.
For our children, we offer a children's worship where we are intentionally forming our children into disciples of Jesus. We are sharing the story of Jesus so that our children will embody the story of Jesus in their lives.
Our Shepherd Situation
Our dream is to call shepherds to lead us in the ways of God. In 2007 our shepherds had to step down due to health reasons. Unfortunately we are at a stage in our history where shepherds are not able to be called. Because of this we are entering into a time where training, teaching, and praying are becoming a part of our lives so that we can call shepherds to lead us. Until this time the congregation gathers on a monthly basis to pray and explore together the daily workings of our communal life.
Our Minister
Nathan Pickard grew up on the waters of Georgian Bay where he was mentored by many of the members from the Meaford Church of Christ. Nathan brings scripture alive as we see our lives in the story of God calling all people to salvation. Nathan received his Doctor of Ministry from Abilene Christian University.