"Sharing the Kingdom of God through friendship with the neighborhood"
Being Neighbours
The Newmarket Church of Christ is caught up in the mission of God. We see ourselves as called to serve the neighborhood around the church property. We're not always sure what this looks like and so we are constantly exploring, discussing, and wondering how we are called to serve and love our neighbors. Often times we discover that as we practice hospitality our neighbors help us learn what it means to love.
The Holiday Drive
The story of the Holiday Drive. Over the years several individuals, store owners, and organizations have worked together to ensure families who struggle with the resources to provide a Christmas can have a Christmas.
To partner with the holiday drive, please contact us at 905-895-6502 or by sending us an email, newmarketcofc@gmail.com
Thank You
A short 1 minute video to say thank you to all everyone who partnered with us in making the Christmas (Holiday) drive a success.
Food Boxes 2020
In March 2020, when Covid shut down our community, the Newmarket Church of Christ, alongside volunteers from Maple Leaf Public School, residents of Newmarket Heights worked together to ensure their would be adequate food security. This video highlights the food box program.
Community Gardens
In discussion with the residents of the condominiums beside our church, we discovered that many of the residents had been avid gardeners before moving into these buildings. We decided that we could serve the residents by allowing them to use our property to cultivate their own gardens.
We are entering into a season of discovering how to allow the community garden to be a place where we announce "the nearness of God's kingdom" (Luke 10:1-12). During this season we are praying, meeting with various neighbors, gardeners, and always looking for the ways in which the Spirit is leading us. This journey of discovering how the gardens can be a place to announce the nearness of God's kingdom is birthing us into a community that is participating with God in the redemption of our neighborhood.
Over the past few years we are learning to tell the stories of what it means to be people who love and serve our neighbors. Some of these stories have been published. See the links below.