"Sharing the Kingdom of God through friendship with the neighborhood"
Stories of Generosity
In 2014 the congregation undertook the habit of telling stories of generosity. We told stories of how we love our neighbours; stories of Summer Camp, growing vegetables, purchasing a fridge, helping with rent . . . we told these kinds of stories so that we know the ways we are sharing the kingdom of God with our neighbours.
The booklet Stories of Generosity can be downloaded as PDF document. We've had some booklets printed and so if you would like us to mail you a copy, send us an email. Copies are $5, including postage.
Download Stories of Generosity
Narrating Our Story into the Mission of God
This short booklet is not a complete history of the events that have unfolded in the life of the Newmarket Church of Christ. In fact, the events described are a very small snapshot of the past ten years, told in such a way to open our collective imaginations to where we think God is leading us. When Luke wrote Luke/Acts, he picked stories to tell so that he could show the church as a prophetic community bearing witness to the reign of God. This booklet contains a small amount of stories so we can see ourselves being a prophetic community bearing witness to the work of God amongst us.
Two things are accomplished. First, telling the narrative of how we as a church have become friends with our neighbours. By being friends with our neighbours we have been invited into unexpected partnerships with people who have joined us in bearing witness to the nearness of God's kingdom. Second, painting a picture of what is happening within our community of faith and the life we believe God is calling and sending us into. This is accomplished through a description of our missional vocation statement, a vision for embodiment, and a narrative of how we are changing the culture of financial stewardship.
Click here for the booklet. For a printed copy, please send us an email and we will mail you a copy. Copies are $4.